
Workshop on Online tools to cut costs and grow businesses


Kuza Biashara in partnership with Safaricom held its SME workshop to promote the concept of online tools to cut costs and grow your business. Through this event, Kuza does a lot of networking to create a perfect environment for people who are thriving in business to interact with the rest of the world. It provides you with solutions during problems, acts as great platform to share success stories and to create awareness about your business to people.

The financial problems or other standard problems are supported by Kuza. Get smart, get xenophilia.

The event showcases how the SMEs can cut their cost and improve business practices through the effective use of On-line tools. It aims at technology; social & mobile media usage to generate leads, generate traffic and allows you to be out there – in the bigger world !

Kuza will help you apply your products and services at the apt spot. It teaches you the tools to overcome your obstacles and helps you move along the large scale businesses.

Watch more to be INCLUSIVE and become a DIGITAL-Based Business Owner.

Say BYE to SME Hurdles!!

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About Kuza Biashara

About Kuza Biashara

Starting a business is a leap of faith even in the best of circumstances. We at Kuza Biashara are focussed to encourage these daring small business owners who have the potential to innovate and change the world by contributing to the nation’s economy and livelihood.