Are you a passionate writer in topics to do with entrepreneurship or modern technology? Kuza Biashara would like to provide you with a free platform to submit your work.
As one among the largest online communication platforms in Africa, Kuza Blog is a unique dais to share your views or outlook about any relevant topic. It’s worth noting that our blog attracts more than 500,000 monthly visits and has over 10,000 active subscribers.
This is a perfect opportunity for you to:
- Showcase your expertise to the world
- Build your online profile
- Build valuable backlinks
- Help businessmen in the world find easy solutions to their problems
- Establish yourself as an authority in your industry
Editorial Guidelines
These editorial guidelines are designed to help you understand what we accept and don’t accept for inclusion in our article database. Before you submit to us, we ask you to read this page first.
What Content Qualifies?
- All articles must be original and informative and they must be 100% exclusively owned by you. No copy-pasting or re-writing content that already exists on the internet or elsewhere.
- Your articles must be informative. Ideally, your article should offer tips, strategies, techniques, case studies and analysis within an area of expertise. Articles should provide real value to the reader beyond common sense tips and general information.
- We give preference to “How To” and “Useful Tips” articles
- Article must be written in proper English, with proper spelling, capitalization and sentence structure. We discourage the use of jargon and complex English terms…in other words just use simple English words that are easy to digest and fun to read.
- Your article must not contain information that promotes unethical internet activities, business practices or anything else that may create a poor user experience for our readers.
- If you are going to use hyper-links in the article make sure they re-direct to authoritative sources. Don’t use affiliate links. If you want to link back to your blog or website, only do so once in the article – preferably in the author bio section.
- Don’t include your contact information within the article.
- Avoid being salesy or self-promotional in the body of the article. Save that for the author bio section.
- If you are going to use images within the articles, make sure you have prior permission or authorization from the owners to avoid copyright issues.
- We will not allow you to re-publish your articles on your blog or any other platform afterwards, but you are more than welcome to link to it and share it through your network
- The Kuza Biashara editorial team reserves the right to turn down your article request if it does not meet all the requirements. Our decision is final.
How to Structure Your Articles
(1)Write in 2nd person as if talking to a friend “you”. Preferably give some real life
examples in your articles
(2)Good grammar and sentence structure is a must
(3)Paragraphs should not exceed 2 sentences because of those who read articles via mobile.
(4)Use short sentences – not more than 22 words per sentence
(5)Make sure you tailor the conclusion such that it encourages the debate to go on e.g You can ask the readers to share their thoughts via the comment box etc.
(6)Longer articles in the range of 300 – 1500 words are better provided they’re well-structured and well-researched.
(7)Use high quality graphics throughout the article. Poor quality images will be removed and replaced with high quality ones as suggested by our editorial team.
(6)Include (1-2 sentence) author bio including a maximum of 1 anchor text link to your own website.
(7)Submit your original article by clicking on the red button below:
For Serious Issues Contact:
Kuza Blog Editorial Team
43 General Mathenge Road, Nairobi