
Kenya association of women business owner’s breakfast meeting


It’s Wednesday morning, on my way to the Kenya Association of Women Business owner’s breakfast meeting (KAWBO). I used a very different route thinking that at that time of the morning I would not be caught up in traffic but boy was I wrong! To make matters worse I had to alight at Yaya center and walk up to Kilimani. I arrived at the meeting location (Gracia gardens) and met Sharon, the lady at the registration desk and the first question I asked her was if the meeting had started and she replied in the negative pointing out that they were still having breakfast. She handed me a tag and directed me to the restaurant.
And my what a breakfast! I noticed the buffet spread even before I said hello to Lydia from Kuza Biashara (Nairobi East district manager). We then went on to have breakfast, network with some of the ladies there and take photos as we waited for the session to begin.

Once the breakfast session was done, we headed towards the conference room, where formal introductions of all the participants took place. Ruth Ngobi from Corporate Governance Solutions was the speaker of the day and took over after the introductions were over. Corporate Governance was the topic of the day, a subject Ms. Ngobi tackled with eloquence and exhilarating energy.

One being that good management and governance systems should ideally embrace the following, business governing and control structure, budgeting and cash management, managements accounts and annual audits.

Corporate Governance is seen as the domain of big companies particularly as SMES do not consider themselves corporates which is a false conception. Simply put, corporate governance is about the method or framework by which business, big or small, are run and kept in check through good management and governance systems.

Good management and governance systems should ideally embrace the following

  • Business governing and control structure
  • Budgeting and cash management
  • Management accounts
  • Annual audits

The message of the day from Ruth was very simple, business owners should endeavor to embrace management governance systems they don’t have to be expensive just functional.

The session must have been as interesting for the other participants as numerous questions were raised afterwards, which Ms. Ngobi answered to the satisfaction of all.

That was my day at KAWBO.

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About Winnie Kibichu

Winnie Kibichu is a communications major with experience in print and electronic media. She studied at the East African School of Media Studies and loves to conduct interviews. Her interests include photography and blogging. She is hard working and has a passion to empower, grow and change the media industry.