Entrepreneurial Stories

How This Entrepreneur’s Fascination with Natural Ingredients Can Help Your Skin

How This Entrepreneur’s Fascination with Natural Ingredients Can Help Your Skin

It is a well known fact that people like to look good and feel good and what better way to do that  than to take care of your skin? Bobotanics helps people do just that. Bobotanics is an organic skin care line that specializes in soaps, cleansers and body washes. Fresh from the farm to your doorstep, Bobotanics uses only natural ingredients in their products. As the CEO, Ms Talissa Moi believes that synthetic chemicals pollute the skin’s ecosystem, so her products contain absolutely no synthetic dyes, synthetic fragrances, parabens or sulphates.

“When I was travelling around the country last year I became awe-struck by our country’s wild and exotic plant species. Curiously, I dived deeper into the world of botanical research, only to discover the incredible bioactive compounds and properties present in our native plants.. By connecting with local farmers and communities, I gained a greater understanding of their ancient knowledge. This is in particular with how in the past, people used natural elements on their bodies to harness energy to heal and transform their skin. I started to create natural formulas for myself, family and friends. The response was so great I thought why not create a skincare line that would help improve our everyday beauty routines? This would be done by supplying our largest organ with kind and natural ingredients, instead of artificial and dangerous chemicals hidden in our everyday soaps, facial cleansers and body washes.”

Samples from Talissa’s Bobotanics products

Samples from Talissa’s Bobotanics products

To set up the business Talissa used the money she had been saving since her teenhood, mostly given to her by her family on special occasions such as her birthday, Christmas gifts and allowances, proving that cultivating saving habits in children early on can go a long way in impacting children’s lives later.

The biggest challenge she has had is cutting wholesale supply costs with her non-indigenous imported products, such as the virgin olive oil used in our recipes. She had to constantly monitor these costs, looking for discounts and exploring alternate sources. For any business, getting the best deal on supplies can make a massive difference to the bottom line. And as they say, ‘every penny saved is a penny earned’.

So what sets her apart from other similar ventures?

“I see my customers as partners in my mission so I try my best to get to know them on a deeper level.” She tries to understand what works and doesn’t work on their skin, working in collaboration with them to create a perfect and personalized skin care routine for them. I also reach out to them on a regular basis, asking them for feedback on my products. This can feel daunting at times, but at the end of the day my most unhappy customers are my foremost source of learning.

As Sam Walton put it, “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his or her money somewhere else.

Talissa attributes her success to resilience. She tries to turn hard times into motivators for self-improvement and does her best not to let bumps, challenges and disappointments along her journey define who she is.

It is a journey that has taught her lot.

“Entrepreneurship has changed my life in many ways. In particular, it has made me accountable for both my time and actions. If I don’t get things done, no one else will. At the end of the day I am primarily in charge and responsible of my business destiny. This has helped me realize that I am responsible for my personal destiny too! I have to make lifestyle choices that are in line with this!”

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About Kuza Biashara

About Kuza Biashara

Starting a business is a leap of faith even in the best of circumstances. We at Kuza Biashara are focussed to encourage these daring small business owners who have the potential to innovate and change the world by contributing to the nation’s economy and livelihood.