
6 Money Myths and Lies That Are Sabotaging Your Financial Success

myths about money

“If I had the money, I would start a business, invest in real estate and do so much more with my life”. How many times have you said one of these statements to yourself? You have the ideas but never enough money to execute them.

Your financial success is hugely dependent on your relationship with money. What is your relationship with money like? Is it one filled with insecurity, discontent, jealousy and lack or is it one filled with abundance, love and respect?

Like any other relationship you have to invest the time and put in the work to understand it and make it successful. That great relationship with money will lead you to financial success and help you build wealth beyond what you ever imagined possible.

In order to build a better relationship with money, it is necessary that you become aware of some of the myths and lies you’ve been telling yourself or that were told to you by others that are sabotaging your financial success.


(1) There isn’t enough money to go around

The truth is that there is plenty of money out there, it’s just unevenly distributed. While you’re struggling to make money, someone else out there has plenty of it and they are willing to spend it. Find out what those who have more than you do want most and are willing to spend on then offer it to them in exchange for some of their money. Give people what they want and need and you will get what you want in return.

(2) Someone else should and will do it for me

You determine what you want in life not your parents, the government, international donors or your rich relatives. You can make the choice today to improve your financial situation. Relying on someone else for financial security is giving up your power to make your own choices and decisions that are good for you now and in future.

(3)People with money are greedy; it’s more spiritual being poor

Indeed, some rich people get their money through questionable ways but not every rich person is greedy. There are many wealthy people in the world who earn their money in legitimate ways by meeting the needs of others with their businesses. And you can too if you become obsessed with solving other people’s problems and get rewarded for it. God is ready to give you what you want as long as you ask with clarity and are doing good to help others.

(4) I have to hustle to make money

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You don’t need to do more and more to become wealthy. Instead, think smart and work smart. Surround yourself with smart people and educate yourself about money management and investment. Spend some time learning how to make your money work hard for you instead of working hard for money.

(5) I really don’t want money anyway; it’s a hustle having money

It’s a bigger hustle not having money. Money may not solve all your problems, but it takes care of about 90% of them and you can then focus all your attention on solving the other 10%.

(6) I have to do something other than what I want to make money

It is possible to make money doing what you want. It may not be easy but it is possible. For everything you think cannot be done, if you search around the world, you’ll find more than 50 people out there doing it and making a good living out of it.

Doing what you want and what you’re created to do sets you apart and makes you stand out in a way that others can’t which puts you in a position to set your own price. Find what you’re good at, decide what you want and then find the right people who are willing to pay you what you’re worth.

A Final Word

Financial education is neither taught in school or at home by your parents. So if you want financial success, it is your responsibility to find your own truth about money, align yourself with financially successful people in society and learn from them and create new beliefs around money that will propel you to success.

About The Author

Priscilla Okwaro blogs on Kuza BiasharaPriscilla Okwaro is an online branding strategist and coach who helps ambitious women turn their skills and expertise into a money making brand with a powerful online presence. You can learn more about her on her blog The Kenyanpreneur.

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