
How to become a good networker


Networking is an important skill that helps to build a cadre of contacts and helps establish client base, gain access, create strong work relationships and facilitate future employment prospects.

There are many ways of doing this and become the best in the field. You can start by handing out business cards to those acquaintances you meet and save their contact addresses and later on send them brief greetings just to confirm their details.

Having their details is not enough – you can occasionally send them emails asking them out for lunch as a way of cementing your appreciation to them and keeping abreast of anything they may have.

Think out of the box and go out the conventional way, organize an event and invite them through text messages or social media to come and catch up on the latest, or just for bonding. Remember that people already have a perception that you’re after something and let not your interest come first. Focus more on winning their trust first so that you don’t put them off.

‘I do what I feel is right’ – break away from the normal topics on everyone’s lips, be creative and quick to connect between stories. You don’t have to engage all your conversation on business all time. Remember that non-business topics are a sure way of livening up the discussion.

Do a meaningful contact, you are most likely to forget some, if not all, the contacts or details the more you talk. Contact two to three people in a single day.

Have a passion for meeting people and making new friends – all these people that you meet don’t necessarily have to help you enhance your career and objectives. It is possible that it could be a life partner you’ll meet.

A great net worker always maintains an eye contact in a conversation, and it shows confidence and honesty to whomsoever your talking to. Learn to position your hands properly, not crossed when conversing with people – instead put them at your back.

Finding out what other people do is very relevant here, you may not know but if you have interest you’ll definitely know and they may be the persons you’ve been looking for all time. Convey the right message to your potential clients, and treat them with utmost respect.

Do follow ups and be prompt, promise what you can deliver, and be be frank when you can’t. When you have to meet a client remember to be punctual for the meeting.

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About Joe Maina

Joe Maina studied Advertising and logistics and is currently pursuing a professional course in Securities and investments. He is a technology buff who loves discovering new tech solutions that make work simpler. He has additional skills in video production and print media. He is an avid learner and is always eager to take on new challenges as well as voicing SME issues to help them grow.