
3 Things You Should Know Before You Quit Your Job For Entrepreneurship

Kenya business lessons

“Entrepreneurs are willing to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week”
-Lori Greiner-

Are you contemplating quitting your day job to pursue business interests? Keep in mind that it takes unwavering confidence,persistence,discipline,commitment and hard work to become a successful entrepreneur. Those are just a few prerequisites that determine if you become a successful entrepreneur or not.

Therefore, do not be fooled by the hype and frenzy about people who are said to have charged their entrepreneurial spirit and became millionaires. There exists innumerable untold stories of sleepless nights,failure,starting all over again and rejection by potential investors which do not make it to the headlines.

Quitting your day job for entrepreneurship especially when you have a solid career path takes a leap of faith and immense courage. In the world of entrepreneurship, the following happens:

3.From One Boss To Many Bosses

You quit working for one boss and start working for many bosses, also known as, your customers. Entrepreneurship is a job too. Your customers become your bosses because they decide whether what you are offering is worth it and valuable. Remember, they might as well render it not valuable.

2.From 8 To 5 To 24/7

You stop working from eight to five and start working from seven to midnight or from working five and a half days to six or seven days a week. Entrepreneurship is more about sacrifice than freedom. However, if you do it right, that sacrifice will pay off big one day.

1.More Sacrifice

Your social circle becomes smaller because your attention shifts towards nurturing your business. You may have to quit the weekend family tradition or that annual holiday vacation. It may take some time before you achieve a work life balance.

The Take-Away
As an entrepreneur, you persistently work to create a brand which secures value for money with no guarantee that your “bosses” will find it valuable. Additionally, the urge to make more money calls for sacrifice and conquering dead ends and perhaps deadlines too. Before you quit your job for entrepreneurship, be ready to embrace that reality check.


This article has been posted by one of our guest bloggers Viona Njogu. If you would like to share an article as a guest blogger visit this link. Image Courtesy/ Entrepreneur



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