
The 5 Different Types of Customers You’ll Meet In Your Business

types of customers

Your customers are the backbone of your business and knowing and understanding them is the overarching rule of successful companies.

But just how much do you know about your customers? To get the best answer to this question we need to break down your usual customers into 5 main types.
1)The Customer We All Want
Best customer
He orders frequently, pays on time and is loyal. He believes in your brand and is ready tolerate a few of your misgivings time and again. Although he is quality conscious, he does not care much about the price.
He will pay slightly more than the rest just so you can offer him specialized services and will not hesitate to refer you to his friends.
Ten of these kinds of guys are all you need to establish a solid foundation for your small business. However, they are pretty difficult to find in this part of the world – they are like a needle hidden in a stack of hay.
Should you come across one, keep him at all costs. He is a “god”.
2)The Good But Easily Irritable Type
She walks, talks and behaves like a boss. And although she is a frequent buyer, she tends to be reasonably choosy. She is the kind that scans through every item on the delivery box just to ensure that every piece is intact.
She is however quite loyal and consistent and can give you good business if you consistently prove to her that you’re worth your salt.
But don’t forget that she is easy to irritate. A few mistakes here and there will be enough to send her packing. And she will not leave you unscarred for she will post a very negative comment about you on the internet thus negating all the good moments you’ve had together.
3)The Leech From The East
He is not your every day customer as he only shows up when you’re giving discounts or during  a “buy 1 get 1 free” offer. He also tends to be an impulsive buyer and sometimes he buys to re-sell.
He moves around sniffing out the latest deals on the market and promptly swings into action when he spots a significant mark down.
He is an expensive customer to maintain and unless you are operating on very huge profit margins he can easily send your business to an early grave.
The best way to deal with him is by introducing loyalty cards whereby only customers who shop frequently are rewarded with discounts and offers.
4)The Draining But Loyal Type
She shows up at mid-day in a day you’ve made no sales and are desperate to pay some bills. As if sensing your desperation she goes ahead to smash down your margins by putting up the best negotiation tactics you’ve ever seen.
In the end she demands too much than she is willing to pay for and because you are desperate you’re forced to compromise at least to make a sale.
Sometimes she will buy on credit and you have to keep following her to “remind” her of her obligation to pay. Although she may seem loyal, the fact of the matter is that she is a potential leech.
The best way to deal with the draining customer is by establishing clear terms of service and abiding by them irrespective of how your business is doing. For instance, you can enforce a “We don’t sell on credit” or “Fixed price” policy to ward off this type.
 5)The “Minor Corrections” Customer
Hello, I am sure you’ve met this guy especially if you work in the service industry (i.e. hotel, tours and travel, graphic design, beauty, photography etc.).
He is the kind of person who doesn’t easily get satisfied. You give him your best and he asks for more. You give him more and he requests for even more.
Here’s a conversation that is likely to ensue with such a customer about the photo below:
Customer: Wow! This picture looks wonderful but I don’t like the yellow and orange parts.
You: Well but it’s a photo of the sunset.
Customer: Could you please make the center a bit less yellow? May be color green would be much better.
You: Errrrrrrr…you mean a green colored sun?
It’s quite frustrating to deal with this customer. But he has a good side as well. (That is ) if you are willing to put up with his demands then he can end up becoming a very loyal client.
Only keep in mind that you have to do several corrections before he finally accepts the job (no matter how perfect you are).
Over To You
Successful entrepreneurs know with exactness the wants, wishes and buying behaviors of specific customers. They understand their likes and dislikes.
Further still, they know their tastes, interests, expectations and temperament. Make sure you possess this knowledge as well and use it to your profitable advantage going forward. All the best in your line of business.
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