“Hi Kuza Biashara, when is your next seminar?” “Do you offer training and mentorship to women and youth?”
These are some of the questions that we receive on our digital platforms on a day-to-day basis.
Our society is still grappling with the problem of producing too many job-seekers and only a handful of job-creators. Official statistics show that of the 800,000 school goers who graduate every year, only 50,000 manage to get jobs. This therefore leaves us with 750,000 highly talented individuals who are reduced to begging, drug abuse and engaging in criminal activities.
In light of these statistics, Kuza Biashara has been on the frontline of converting these otherwise underutilized section of our population into useful members of society. We do this by equipping them with employability and entrepreneurship skills. That’s why when the opportunity to meet some of them in person arose on Saturday 9 of April 2016 our team of mentors stepped out in all their glory to inspire the next generation of world-beaters.
At exactly 10am the otherwise quiet Kuza Biashara Innovation Centre was transformed into a bee-hive of activity as tens of learners made their way into the campus that is located on General Mathenge road in Nairobi. After brief pleasantries were exchanged, the seminar kicked off and with each PowerPoint slide that the mentors navigated through the mentees got fired up and took photos for future reference. The conservative ones had their notebooks handy.
Among the mentors who graced the event was Sriram Bharatam who is also the Founder and Chief Mentor of Kuza Biashara. Mr. Sriram focused on equipping the learners with hands-on skills for nurturing a business. He shared his personal experiences in starting a business that has branches in Africa, Asia and North America. In addition, he gave the entrepreneurs a practical guide to growing a small business, one priority at a time.
More words of wisdom also came from Julius Wanyaga – a well brewed and enthusiastic mentor who aside from having a rich corporate background is a seasoned entrepreneur. Mr. Wanyaga urged the mentees to keep aspiring for greater things and to choose their friends wisely. “You are the average of your 5 friends. If you want to progress, first you need to upgrade your accomplices” added the talented SME big-wig.
After a short break that provided a perfect networking opportunity, the session resumed with Kuza Biashara’s content distribution manager Mr. Kamau Mugure taking to the podium to introduce the revolutionary Kuza Edge platform that is touted as the next big thing in bite-sized learning here in Africa. The mentees were taken through this interesting idea and were shown how to keep learning through the short courses that are exclusively available here.

Photo: A learner gets acquainted with the newly launched digital learning platform for women and youth.
After being equipped with loads of soft skills, it was now time for things to get practical. Some of the entrepreneurs had come with their products which they were very eager to share. Others had brought their own equipment along and they wanted to teach their peers one or two things about their line of business. This was largely an open session where everyone who wanted to get out of their comfort zone and learn had the opportunity to do just that.
At the end of the day everyone was exhausted – the heavens opened and darkness was fast approaching. The learners went home looking forward to the next training opportunity. As for the Kuza Mentors, it was another successful mission of sharing knowledge and empowering an entire generation. (View More Photos).
Would you like to be part of our training sessions in the near future? Would like us to come to a town near you? Let us know through the comment box below.