If you have a computer at home or hostel and some free time, you could make some extra cash out of it. But the question arises; how do you go about making money online especially if you’re from a third-world country like Kenya? This exclusive blog by Kuza Biashara offers some nice ideas that you can try out.
Are People Really Making Money Online?
The answer is Yes – a good number of people are earning from online jobs. Some earn by writing articles; others by writing academic papers; a few others make money through online forex trading. There are also those who make money blogging.
#1: Forex Trading
Online Forex trading is fun and can solely sustain your livelihood if you have the skills and discipline of trading. Skills of forex trading can be acquired through training from a professional forex trader. Discipline however is a combination of many factors ranging from personal attributes to character. Before you begin trading forex, you should keep in mind that any form of investment has its own risks. Kuza Biashara would like to caution you against investing money in malicious programs like pyramid schemes and ponzi’s (Read an article about this from the New York Times). On average forex traders make anything from $20 to $200 per day.
Examples of Forex Sites

A video transcriber at work
#2: Video Transcription
The job of a video transcriber is to convert audio content in videos into written format. To become a video transcriber you need to be a good listener and a fast typist. Besides that, you need to own a nice headset, a good computer and fast internet. This may seem like a simple job, but you need good training to get started. Good transcribers are normally paid to a tune of $25 per audio hour.
Example of Sites For Video Transcribers
#3: Article Writing
If you are good with words, it might possible to make a decent living writing content for other people online. Please keep in mind that content writing is not like writing a book or newspapers. As a content writer, you’ll be required to write short articles based on a particular group of Keywords. Clients will require you to do ample research before crafting an article. On average you can expect to be paid between $2 and $8 for a 500 word article.
Example of sites that hire article writers from Kenya
#4: Academic Writing
Academic writers spend most of their time writing essays, assignments and research papers for clients. Although there are questions on whether this sort of business is ethical, there are quite a few who are fine with it. Generally, academic writing pays more than article writing. The only problem with it is that it is seasonal. You might not find work to do during particular months. Examples of sites that hire academic writers in Kenya and East Africa at large are:
#5: Blogging

A blogger at work
Blog is a pretty wide topic that requires to be discussed in detail, but for today we’re just going to give you a sneak peek to it. A blog is a mini-website that allows people to engage through comments and social media sharing (e.g Kuza Biashara Blog, Top 10 in Africa Blog, Freelancer Kenya Blog). Bloggers spend the bulk of their time researching on current events to write nice articles with a view of driving traffic to their blogs. There are several ways to make money as a blogger. For instance, you can earn through Google’s pay-per-click program also known as Google Adsense. Alternatively, you can earn decent income as an affiliate marketer. You can visit either of the two links below to start your blog Blogger.com or Wordpess.com.
Examples of successful Blogs Locally
*The Kenya Daily Post
*Freelancer Kenya
How exactly do people get paid online?
Online workers are paid via PayPal, Skrill or bank wire transfer. There are various methods to withdraw money online. For instance funds locked up in a PayPal account can be withdrawn through Payoneer Virtual Bank account or Equity Bank.
The idea should be to search for a job that interests you. Once you settle down doing it, things will get smooth and soon you’ll have a steady income. Feel free to ask us all the hard questions on how to make money online in Kenya, and we’ll be glad to have them answered. In the meantime, you’re invited to like our Facebook Page.