At Kuza, we are creating opportunities for youth, women and small business owners to learn, connect and grow through entrepreneurship

We are different to make a difference

When India was devastated by disasters, we asked everyone to put their hand in someone else’s pocket.

Our (social) entrepreneurial journey started off in 1999 October when there was a devastating cyclone in the state of Odisha (India). In under 24 hours, the founders of Kuza put together the world’s first crowdsourcing campaign to raise $1.5 million in 45 days engaging over 18 million people from 50 countries to support the disaster relief victims. 

We don’t need all the answers to solve the problems.

With a child like curiosity and bold thinking to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges, we spent the last decade listening to the communities who are living in extreme poverty across Africa and South Asia. With an intentionality to drive systems change, we took a bottoms up approach to co-create with the users and Incrementally build what is working and discard what is not.

Extreme conditions are fertile soil for extreme innovation.

We are rewriting the rules of the game by creating a dependable network of frontline rural leaders through our Rural Entrepreneur Development Incubators (REDI), equipping them with the digital toolkits to connect to the markets to create sustainable rural communities.

An independent study done on Kuza farmers in 2022 reported that 97% of farmers experienced an improvement in their overall quality of life because of Kuza.
Did not have prior access to training like Kuza
Cannot find a good atlernative to Kuza



Talk about increased income

Report improved farm production

Mention being able to afford food

Empowering ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

We are reimagining the future of work by engaging the rural youth, understanding their skills, interests, talents, aspirations, mentoring and creating unique opportunities for them to learn, connect, and grow on their terms and pace. 

It took us 20 years to become an overnight success.

Decades of our efforts to convene, catalyze, and co-create sustainable solutions with private, public and developmental actors hit a tipping point in 2022. With 6.2 million lives directly impacted, 155,000 new jobs created we are demonstrating that systemic change is possible using business as a force for good.

An independent study done on Kuza farmers in 2022 reported that 97% of farmers experienced an improvement in their overall quality of life because of Kuza.
Did not have prior access to training like Kuza
Cannot find a good atlernative to Kuza



Talk about increased income

Report improved farm production

Mention being able to afford food

WSA Global Champion Environment & Green Energy

Kuza won the coveted Global Champion award under the Environment & Green Energy category for being one of the World’s best Digital Content Solution provider driving social impact & change through digital innovation globally by the World Summit Awards at the Global Congress Cascais at Lisbon, Portugal in March 2019.

The World Summit Awards are a unique awards system, selecting and promoting local digital innovation to improve society. With over 15 years of international experience, WSA is a quality seal for digital content with societal impact in over 180 participating countries, basing the winners on content, functionality, design, technology, innovation in addition to impact and value.

Grow your business. Faster.